This is a collection of routines which will help you to loose weight, improve healthy cell generation and is anti- aging.
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Once was a 230 lbs , diabetic, high blood pressure generally unfit to a fit 175 lbs , Diabetes free, Normal blood pressure kind of guy.
I did it all by Deliberate Breathing, Meditation and the Right Nutrition.
This path does not cost anything - like other weight loss programmes.
Only your commitment to repeat this proven method.
You can find a shortcut to wellness - Lets go.!
Listed here are methods used by me. These methods were discovered and they would be a short cut system for you. The main reason why any body would want to follow this shortcut is simple, does not cost anything, you are solely responsible in executing it. It is you, your intentions and the results. This is shortcut which does require some will power but you will succeed because you will like your new body and mind.
I am a sailor, banker, farmer and an educator - been round the world more than 50 times. This is practical guide to wellness and those who love themselves and want a better health, will follow it for results, which includes a healthy longevity. Start looking for what will you do with the extra time you will now have.
After many years of research have found these processes will help to look after your most prized possession - YOUR BODY and MIND., All of these process are anti-aging, healthy living, leading to longevity. It is my intention to pass on my secrets which will work as a shortcut. One still has to be disciplined to follow these methods for the desired outcome.